Chapter 7

The Groundwork

Lucifer worked with mysterious secrecy, and for a time concealed his real purpose under an appearance of reverence for God.   

 You may think a religious background is unimportant, however, the Conspirators are not atheists, they are very religious, and it is important to understand what they believe.  It will also reveal a more complete picture of the controversy.

Our first parents had not been made robots, mere automatons, but intelligent creatures who could love and demonstrate that love toward God and fellow human beings,  They had been given a free will, and it was their responsibility to make the choice to serve their Maker.

“Ye shall become as gods”, Satan told Eve. 1

It was a lie, but in it was his own desire to become God, not simply ‘a god’’, but God Himself. Remember, Lucifer had boasted, “I will be like the Most High”. 2

In this deception, Satan began to ensnare the human race from its inception, so that future generations would be on his side of the controversy.  Eventually he planned to elevate himself above mankind, to have them bow in homage at his feet.

As we well know, Eve fell into his trap, took the fruit, and began to eat. 

With this act, she became a follower of Satan, and was no longer holy and righteous.  She had ignored God’s warning “Thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die”.  3  

Death was the penalty.

Totally deceived, and now Satan’s representative, Eve went in search of Adam and tempted him.  Unlike his wife, Adam was not deceived, he knew exactly what she had done, but out of love for her, he made a decision to disobey God, and became an enemy of his Creator.  4  

Due to the fall of our first parents, you and I have been born into a fallen race on the side of Satan.  We are all doomed to die an eternal death, from which there is no resurrection.  5

But God loved His human children so much, He instituted a plan to redeem us from the clutches of Satan. 6    His Son offered His own life to pay the penalty for our sins.  To do this He took upon His divinity the nature of man, and lived a life free from sin. 

The Son of God became the man Christ Jesus.

“In taking our nature, the Saviour has bound Himself by a tie that is never to be broken.  Through the eternal ages He is linked with us…  God gave His only-begotten Son to become one of the human family, forever to retain His human nature…In Christ the family of earth and the family of heaven are bound together.”  7

Throughout His life, Satan tried his hardest to tempt Jesus and cause Him to fail, but never once did the Saviour sin. He was “tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin.”  8

The Bible writer Paul expresses it this way.  He (Jesus) “made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men, and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”  9

If we choose Him, we will receive that blessed gift of eternal life, and at the Second Coming of Christ our mortal bodies will be made immortal. 10

If we refuse to choose Jesus, we remain in our sins, and will be slain by the brightness of Jesus’ coming. 11

God’s lament is clearly seen in the words of the prophet who wrote, “Cast away from you all your transgressions… and make you a new heart… for why will ye die…?  For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God… turn yourselves, and live.”  12

God wants us to live a blessed, happy life.

Dear Reader, you may not be religious, but there is something you need to know – by not making that choice, you remain on Satan’s side.

There is no neutral ground.

Sad to say, the nation chosen to bring forth the Son of God, failed to accept Him as the promised Messiah.  The leaders dogged His steps trying to entrap Him into sin, but they could not.  His holy life was a continual rebuke, and finally they crucified Him. 13

Satan was jubilant. 

Countdown to Eternity

But on the third day Satan was horrified, for he saw Jesus Christ rise from the dead!

Satan knew then that he was defeated.

In triumph Jesus ascended to heaven, and took His seat on the right hand of the Most High.  His mission had been accomplished, and now God could legally promise all who trusted in Him forgiveness from their sins, and if they remained faithful unto the end, He would give them eternal life.

Praise God, “Christ glorified is our brother.  Heaven is enshrined in humanity, and humanity is enfolded in the bosom of Infinite Love.” 14

Soon the Saviour will come back to take every faithful, obedient Christian to the heavenly mansions.  15  

We need to be ready.     Are you ready?

Of course, it is your God-given right not to choose Jesus, but think of the cost – the life of God the Son for you!

“The spotless Son of God hung upon the cross, His flesh lacerated with stripes;  those hands so often reached out in blessing, nailed to the wooden bars;   those feet so tireless on ministries of love, spiked to the tree;  that royal head pierced by the crown of thorns;  those quivering lips shaped to the cry of woe. 

And all that He endured – the blood drops that flowed from His head, His hands, His feet, the agony that racked His frame, and the unutterable anguish that filled His soul at the hiding of His Father’s face – speaks to each child of humanity, declaring, It is for thee that the Son of God consents to bear this burden of guilt;  for thee He spoils the domain of death, and opens the gates of Paradise….  He offers Himself upon the cross as a sacrifice, and this from love to thee.”  16

What about the Jewish nation, and those who hated the Saviour?

Two thousand years ago, the leaders were corrupt.  The Pharisees and Saduccees measured their holiness by the multitude of their ceremonies, while their hearts were filled with pride and jealousy.  Many were not true descendants of Abraham, and instead of accepting Jesus as the promised Messiah, they broke every point of their legal code to put Him on a cross and crucify Him. 17

“Had Israel been true to God, He could have accomplished His purpose through their honor and exaltation…  But because of their unfaithfulness, God’s purpose could be wrought out only through continued adversity and humiliation… They had refused to surrender themselves to God for the salvation of the world, and they became agents of Satan for its destruction.”  18 

Once again, it is vital we understand that the condemnation is not of individual Jewish or Israelite people.  God condemns the leaders and the system for its unfaithfulness in the past, and all who continue with this spirit are likewise condemned.  Within the Jewish nation are deceivers, just as there are in every denomination. 

There is a Judas in the best of places.

God loves Jewish people, and we must love them too. 

After the Sanhedrin had been used to achieve God’s plan for Jesus to lay down His life for mankind,  the disciples were empowered by the Holy Spirit to broadcast the good news to the world, and they did:


                                                HE IS RISEN INDEED

The Jewish leaders feared that their cause was lost, because soon, instead of having only Jesus to deal with, they had hundreds of Christians in Jerusalem.   Thousands had come for Passover, and later Pentecost,  and these would return to their own countries to broadcast the message of Jesus  19

What could they do?

Satan urged the leaders on; they must begin slaughtering Christians as well.

Saul the Pharisee was commissioned to track down every Christian he could find.  In fiery zeal he “made havoc of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison.”   20

Praise God, this mighty enemy of Christ was converted on his way to arrest believers in Damascus, and became Paul, the greatest missionary this world has ever known.

Satan was filled with rage.

Invisibly he continued inspiring the leaders with his hatred, ever fearful his plans for world government would fail. As the perpetrators became more and more possessed by the spirit of Satan, persecution increased.

But the numbers continued to grow.

Satan was beside himself.  The more he killed, the more arose.  It has been truly said that “the blood of the martyrs became the seed of the church”. 21

Although the persecution continued, Satan realised he must add another string to his bow, and he formulated a plan that would work alongside putting Christians to death.  He would corrupt their belief system.

The Babylonian teachings had spread all over the world, and the heathen were worshipping Nimrod under dozens of names.  His evil symbols were everywhere, and by carefully planning, he intended to bring paganism into the church.

To achieve this, he had his agents enter the little congregations subtlely, so they could introduce false doctrines. 22

But Satan would also organise a church himself, and he would place it in Rome, the ‘headquarters of the world government’ already established. 

It would not be long before he would see humanity on its knees before him.

Satan could hardly wait.

The deception in Rome would be a masterpiece. It would be a blending of Christianity with Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman philosophies, and he would use apostate Israelites and sunworshippers to do his bidding.

This false, counterfeit church would have:

  • The organisation and system of Israel
  • The religion of Babylon
  • The symbols of Egypt
  • The philosophies of Greece
  • The cruelty of Rome
  • The truths of Christianity perverted  23

The amalgamation began very early in the Christian era, and continued down through the centuries.   Point by point was added to become a tremendous apostate religion, that of the Roman Catholic Church.

“It began in the very age of the apostles, when the primitive church was in its flower, when the glorious fruits of Pentecost were everywhere to be seen, when martyrs were sealing their testimony for the truth with their blood.” 24

Even when the gospel shone so brightly, the Spirit of God, bore the clear and distinct testimony through Paul that “the mystery of iniquity doth already work”, prior to AD64 when Paul was martyred. 25

“It came in secretly and by stealth, with ‘all deceivableness of unrighteousness’.  It wrought ‘mysteriously’ under fair but false pretences… little by little, one corruption being introduced after another, as apostasy proceeded, and the backsliding church became prepared to tolerate it, till it has reached the gigantic height we now see, when in almost every particular the system of the Papacy is the very antipodes (opposite) of the system of the primitive church.”   26 

Another Christian historian wrote,  “In the interval between the days of the apostles and the conversion of Constantine, the Christian commonwealth changed its aspect.  The Bishop of Rome – a personage unknown to the writers of the New Testament – meanwhile rose into prominence, and at length took precedence over all other churchmen.  Rites and ceremonies, of which neither Paul nor Peter ever heard, crept silently into use, and then claimed the rank of divine institutions.”  27

This was Satan’s greatest deception for the Christian church.

But let us not take our focus completely away from Israel as Israel.   Satan had used Jewish men who professed to be Christian to infiltrate the church at Rome, he also needed men outside that institution to further his plans in other areas.  To understand this part of the agenda, we must go back to a promise given to Moses that Israel would inherit the land of Palestine, and that Jerusalem would become the capital of the world. 

“All people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the Lord;  and they shall be afraid of thee… And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail…  if thou shalt hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them.” 28

However, Israel did not obey the commands of God.  They even went so far as to crucify Yeshua, the promised Messiah, the One who came to bring them salvation.  (Yeshua is Jesus’ name in Hebrew)

As a result, the city of Jerusalem was besieged by the Romans in AD70 and completely destroyed.  Those who did not die under horrible circumstances in the siege were taken as prisoners and made slaves in Rome and other parts of the world.  29

Of course the people did not remain slaves forever, and once they were able to re-establish themselves in foreign lands, Satan sought men who still possessed his spirit, a spirit that blamed others for its problems, and there is no question, these men continued to blame Jesus and Christians for the Diaspora.

Today there are still Jewish men who have a determined passion to destroy Christianity and to set up Jerusalem as the capital of the world.  They believe the land is their God-given heritage, and refuse to give it up.

This does not mean that every Israeli in the State of Israel is part of that plot.  Many are simply seeking a land to call their own, however, thousands have been shipped to Israel by the Zionists to increase the numbers against the Arab world, and to help carry out their plans to make Jerusalem  the capital of the world.

In 1977, Harold Rosenthal, an Administrative Aid to Senator Jacob Javits, stated in an interview with Walter White Jr, who is a Christian, that “the Jews will completely dominate throughout the entire world… They already control every facet of political life in America, and every aspect of the communication media.” 30

The interviewer said he was surprised that the ‘conspiracy’ was being described so openly.  Rosenthal stated, “The Kissinger foreign policy was Zionist-Communist policy from beginning to end.  Yet, the citizens think this Jewish policy will benefit America…  The Jews conquest of the world is almost complete, thanks to Christian stupidity.”  31

Rabbi Steven Wise said in the same vein, “Some call it Communism;  I call it Judaism.” 32

A question was asked of Harold Rosenthal regarding his belief that the Jews are the chosen people, and he replied. “Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer – so I wasn’t lying – and we are his chosen people.  Lucifer is very much alive…  You and I… we have a different God”. 33

In 1948, the State of Israel came into being, and many believed  prophecy had been fulfilled, however, God’s judgment still stands – “If thou wilt not hearken unto the Lord… Cursed shalt thou be…” 34    The prophecies were conditional upon obedience, and the apparent victory for Israel is only to further Satan’s plan for his world government.

Over the years, and down through the centuries, men claiming to be Israelites have become very prosperous and acquired great wealth.  Some may well be descendants of the twelve tribes, but they possess the hypocritical spirit of the Pharisees and Saduccees.   Others have family lines unrelated to Israel at all, and they continue to deceive the world that they are Israelites, and chosen of God.

Some of these men are the Conspirators hiding behind their front organisations, of Zionism, the CFR, the Club of Rome, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, the Round Table, the Rhodes scholarship, the Fabians, the Skull and Bones Society, the New Age Movement, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and especially the masterpiece of deception – the Papacy and the Pope of Rome.

The wealthiest family is the House of Rothschild, of which there are now five brothers whose empire is phenomenal, not in the millions, even billions, but in the trillions.  It is hidden in trusts, combines, legal entities and Foundations, and no one has any idea of the sum of  their wealth. 35

With the passing of Baron Edmond de Rothschild in November 1997, the dynasty mourns a patriarch, but it loses none of its wealth or power to establish the New World Order, for these men are seen more as gods than human beings. 36

The Rothschild primary wealth has always been narcotics, from the days of  the ‘Opium Wars’ in China, to cocaine and heroin today.   Drugs are big business.  The second source of income for this financial banking empire is money lending, then oil, and fourthly insurance. 37

This incredibly wealthy family own the Federal Reserve Bank, a name that has confused thousands into believing it is a federal bank, when in fact, it is privately owned by the Rothschilds.  This is the bank that has loaned billions to every nation, and to which the national debt is owed.  It is no wonder the Rothschilds continue to own a fortune. 38

An expression in high-banking circles is “Money is the god of this time, and Rothschild is his prophet”. 39

Solomon said, “He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver”, and it is true. 40    Paul’s words were just as wise, when he said, “the love of money is the root of all evil.” 41  

The Rothschild family has a great interest in Israel, and millions of dollars have been donated to facilities in Jerusalem.  A street has even been changed to Rothschild Boulevarde.  The Hebrew University is one of the recipients of Rothschild wealth. 42

Millions of dollars have also been given to build a large facility for the supreme court in Israel,  but with the giving of this money, it was stipulated that it must include a library for all nations of the world, designed in the shape of a pyramid, without the capstone!   This stipulation clearly reveals the religion of the Rothschild Dynasty.   43


Chapter 7 – The Groundwork

Genesis 3:5.
Isaiah 14:12.13.
Genesis 2:16.17.
1 Timothy 2:14.
John 3:16-18. Romans 3:19.23. 6:23.
1 Peter 1:18-20. Romans 16:25.26. The promise of salvation was given before God created the world, but at the fall of man, it became operational.  If it had not been ordained before the fall, man would have been destroyed immediately with no possibility of an opportunity to repent.
The Desire of Ages by E White p25.
Hebrews 4:15.
Philippians 2:7.8.
1 Thessalonians 4:16.17. 2  Corinthians 15:52-55. 2 Peter 3:9-12.
2 Thessalonians 2:8.
Ezekiel 18:31.32.
Matthew 27:1-38.
Desire of Ages’ p26.
John 14:1-3.
Desire of Ages’ p755.
Matthew Chapter 6. And Audio tape The Trial of Jesus by Lewis Walton.
The Desire of Ages p36.
Acts 2:1-11. 41.
Acts 8:1.3..
One of the Popes of Rome is credited with this statement.
Example see Galatians 2:4. 3:1.
Audio tape Masonry  Dr Stuart Crane..
Two Babylons Alexander Hislop p7.8.
2 Thessalonians 2:7.
Two Babylons Hislop p7.8.
The ancient Church by William Killen DD Preface to original edition pp xv.xvi. London. James Nisbet & Co. 1883. Quoted in ‘Source Book for Bible Students’ 1929, p35.
Deuteronomy 28: 13. 15-68.
‘The Great Controversy’ p36.37. Also ‘The History of the Jews’ Milman. Book 16.
Harold Wallace Rosenthal in an interview with Walter White Snr. ‘The Hidden Tyranny’ or ‘Rosenthal document’ p29.  This interview was done on a tape recording with the condition that it be destroyed immediately after the information was written down.   Rosenthal is an administrative assistant to one of America’s high ranking senators.  He said, “It is a marvel that the American people do not rise up and drive every Jew out of this country.”  When asked about men in high political office, Mr Rosenthal said that no one in the last three decades has achieved any political power without Jewish approval.  “Americans have not have a presidential choice since 1932 when (Franklin) Roosevelt was our man;  every president since Roosevelt has been our man”, he said.   (Even before Roosevelt the Jewish influence upon Woodrow Wilson (1913-21) was quite evident, as Henry Ford wrote in 1921 “Mr Wilson, while President, was very close to the Jews.  His administration, as everyone knows, was predominantly Jewish.”  The International Jew. Dearborn Publishing Co. Vol 111. p28.29. 
Ibid p3.
‘The International Jew’. Henry Ford. V14.p28.29. Quoted Ibid p4.
Ibid p5.6.
Deuteronomy 28:15-68.
Audio ‘Ten Men who Rule the World’ Texe Marrs.
Ecclesiastes 5:10.
1 Timothy 6:10.
Audio ‘Ten Men’ Marrs.
‘Last Trumpet Newsletter’ Apr 1988. p3.
Audio ‘Ten Men’ Marrs.
‘The Rockefeller File’ by Gary Allen.
Audio ‘Ten Men’ Marrs.
Mislaid quotation
Audio  ‘Ten Men’ Marrs.
Leviticus 17:11.
1 Timothy 1:15. Hebrews 9.
Matthew 21:33-46.
Hebrews 8:7-13. 9:8-12. 10:12.14.
‘The Lamp and the Light’ Editorial Society for Distribution of the Hebrew Scriptures.
Psalm 118:22.  Mark 12:10. According to the Bible, the Messiah is the Cornerstone of the temple;  it is a spiritual building, not made with hands, but by God. It is made up of precious saints.  1 Peter 2:5-7.
‘The Lamp and the Light’ Editorial. ‘What will our World Be Like?’ Adel Lebovis p20.21. Hachai Publishing NY.
Photograph from Balaclava.
‘The Jewish World’ Feb 9.1883.
‘The American Jewish Examiner’ Mar 5.1970.  . p14.
 ‘The New York Magazine’ Jan 18 1972 p32.
‘The Jewish Press’ Apr 14-20. 1995. Quoted in ‘Unholy Alliance’.  Tel Aviv Radio Channel 7. ‘The Two Kings – an unholy Alliance’ Elsbeth Kehoe. p2.
Plan first printed in ‘La Stampa’ 9.10.97. Italian newspaper.  ‘The Jewish Press’ Apr 14-20.1995. Tel Aviv Radio Ch 7.  ‘Amazing Truth’
 ‘Amazing Truth’ Sep-Oct 1997. p1. Amazing Truth PMB. Marysville. 3779. Australia.
‘Music Square Church’ P.O.Box710. Van Buren. AR 72956. USA. ‘Wall St and the Rise of Hitler’ A.C. Sutton. ‘The Brussell Tapes’ World Watchers International’. ‘War and Fascism’ Information Network Agent. Audio ‘Auswitch Pope’.
‘L’Osservatore Romano. 30.4.1984. Quoted in ‘Unholy Alliance’ p1.

It was Rothschild who persuaded David Ben Gurion to place the ‘star of David’ on the flag of Israel in 1948.  In reality, it is not the star of David at all, but an ancient occult magic symbol of two triangles (666) sexually joined and worshipped as the god Rimphan.  44

The five Rothschild men are scattered around the world, in Germany, France, Great Britain and the United States.

Another wealthy family is the Rockefellers, living in the United States.  At the Rockefeller Centre in New York is a large statue of a flying Apollo with a torch in his hand.  In the Bible, the name Apollyon represents Satan, a combination of Apollo and On, a god of Egypt.  45

The Rockefeller empire includes oil (Exxon, Esso, Standard, Mobil, Shell, Union, Continental etc), airways (Boeing,  TWA, Eastern, United, National, Delta etc), automobiles, insurance (Metropolitan Life, Equitable Life, New York Life), corporations (chemicals,  copper, distillers, department stores, xerox, paper, steel, railways, freightways, supermarkets). Banks (Chase Manhatton, Kuhn Loeb, Morgan, Goldman, City Bank, Worldwide etc), news (NBC, CBS, Time, Life, Newsweek, New York Times, Washington Post, Lost Angeles Times, New York Post, Simon & Shuster, Harper Bros, Book of the Month, Saturday Review, Business Week etc).  Also Foundations, Institutions, Education facilities and seminaries.  46

Lawrence Rockefeller funds a number of religious organisations, such as Evangelical ministries, Buddhists and other heathen religions, including Matthew Fox who wrote ‘The Coming of the Cosmic Christ’, a counterfeit christ.   He also funded the Parliament of World Religions.  47

The Rockefellers control both the Republicans and the Democrats.  In October 1992 a full page article was placed in the New York Times (their own magazine) endorsing Bill Clinton as President of the United States.  This was a message to President Bush that he had done his part well, and a new man would take over. 48 

The name Rockefeller comes up again and again, for they control much in the United States, under orders from the Rothschilds.

In Jerusalem the Rockefeller Museum houses a model of a renewed Jerusalem with a new temple on the temple mount. Like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers have a great love for Israel.  Both desire a liberated and glorified land, with Jerusalem ruling the world. 49

Another wealthy international banker is Otto von Habsburg in Austria. This man claims to be king of the Jews, and he has launched a campaign for a New Holy Roman Empire, with its capital as Jerusalem. 50

In Spain another wealthy man is Prince Juan Carlos.  He was born in Rome, and also claims to be the king of Jerusalem.   He says he is the ‘defender of Catholic holy land interests’. 51

Another banker is Edgar Bronfman Snr in Canada.  He was President of the World Jewish Congress until he retired in 1994, but still acts as chairman of the board.  Bronfman is the largest whisky producer in the world, and has ties with the mafia. 52

Lord Carrington is another banking mogul.  His bank financed the Black Masonic Lodge.  He is also very interested in Israel, and is part of a definite plot to rebuild the new temple.  His bank is also a repository of Vatican monies. 53

In South Africa Sir Harry Oppenheimer is known as the ‘king of diamonds’.  He owns 25% of the world’s diamond mines, plus many other mineral mines.   He is a Mossad (Secret Intelligence Service) spy, and a great friend of the Rothschilds. 54

Oppenheimer funded the largest Jewish temple in the world, built in Johannesberg, and believed to be a precursor of the coming great temple in Jerusalem. 55

The temple is central to Jewish worship, but at present the mount designated by God upon which it must be built is occupied by a Moslem mosque, the Dome of the Rock.

It is the desire of Israel to rebuild the temple and begin offering sacrifices again, for the Bible states that “it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul”. 56

Since AD70, when the temple was destroyed by pagan Rome, Israel of the flesh has had no altar of sacrifice upon which to shed blood.

However it is no longer necessary for blood to be shed, for the supreme sacrifice has been slain.  Yeshua the Messiah shed His blood on Calvary for all men, thus no one need be without blood for atonement.

Today Jesus presents the merits of His spilt blood in the heavenly sanctuary for all who are willing to come to Him by faith, repenting of their sins.  57

​Satan’s plan is to centre his world church in Jerusalem because it is in this way he can deceive Christians into believing the Old Testament prophecies relating to Israel are being fulfilled. 

And he is finding the deception very successful.

Millions of Christians have their eyes on the land of Israel, and are awaiting the rebuilding of the temple.  How it will be achieved is not known, but there is great expectation that God will intervene.

Unfortunately they are deceived.   According to the Bible, the nation of Israel failed the conditions and is no longer in the will of God.  58

The sacrificial services operated by Israel during the Old Testament era will never be reinstituted. Satan may operate a temple, but it will be a total counterfeit, and blasphemy against God. 59

Though deceived by Satan, zeal for re-building the temple is rising in the Jewish quarter of the city of Jerusalem.  A shop has prominently displayed the following for all to read:  “PRE-3RD TEMPLE SALE: BUY NOW BEFORE THE TEMPLE IS REBUILT AND PRICES GO UP”.  Next to this statement was a picture of the planned  temple.  60

These people are in earnest and absolutely certain that the third temple will be built very soon.  To give substance to this belief, the Temple Institute in Jerusalem displays perfect replicas of Temple implements built by craftsmen exactly to Biblical measurements.

“The Institute holds out the hope that after nearly 2000 years since the Romans destroyed the holiest place this may be the generation that rebuilds it.”  61

“For some time it has been rumoured that the stone to build it has already been cut.  On Succoth (October 14-15) 1989, at the pool of Siloam in Jerusalem, a huge rock, hewn from a Negev quarry, without the use of iron implements, was ‘anointed’ as the cornerstone of the new Temple.”  62

The building of the temple, in Jewish thought, coincides with the coming of their Messiah, who they believe will arrive very soon.  Some in Israel believe that the third temple – the Hamikdosh – will descend from heaven at his advent, and after the Mount of Olives has parted asunder, will settle upon it. 63

The belief in the coming Messiah is quite visible in the Jewish sector of Melbourne suburbs, as large signs display the words, “MOSHIACH IS COMING. WE MUST BE READY”.   (Moshiach is Hebrew for Messiah)  64

Of course, they do not believe the Messiah to be Jesus Christ, but one who will usher in the long-awaited glory of Israel.  Sad to say, Israelites, Jews and Christians will be deceived by Satan when he appears claiming to be the Christ.

Can you see the pieces of the jigsaw coming together?

‘The Jewish World’ stated, “The great ideal of Judaism (i.e. political Zionism) is that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations – a greater Judaism in fact – all the separate races and religions shall disappear.”  65

According to ‘The American Jewish Examiner’, “In bringing everybody under the Zionist Banner, we never forget that our goals are the safety and security of Israel, foremost.  Our goal will be realized in the Yiddishkeit, in a Jewish life being lived in every place in the world;  our goals will have to be realized, not merely by what we impel others to do.”  66

‘The New York Magazine’ stated, “We are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of community… will emerge through the forces of anti-nationalism to provide us with a new kind of society.  I call this the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish.”  67

As the Conspirators work towards elevating Israel, and Christians expectantly await the fulfilment of the prophecies for its exaltation, the devil has them playing right into his hands.

At the same time, Israel is working with Pope John Paul 11 on plans to place the Old City of Jerusalem “under the auspices of the Vatican”. 68    

The plans go back to 1993, but a copy of the telegram stating the proposal was printed in the Hatzofe newspaper in April 1995.

“The city would be divided into quarters, each with its own separate governing body…It will have an Israeli and a Palestinian mayor, both under orders from the Holy See”. 69   Another paper said “A Palestinian state will emerge, in confederation with Jordan, with its religious capital Jerusalem, but its administrative center elsewhere.”  70

Of course, Jerusalem will be “under the spiritual guardianship of the Pope…. This will enable the Jewish state to strengthen its ties with the Catholic world.”  71

The cooperation between Israel and the Papacy should tell us that the original plan to form a Jewish-Babylonian-Egyptian-Greek-Pagan Roman form of Christianity has been achieved, and that men who have the spirit of Satan are in control.

Pope John Paul 11 worked for I.G. Farben Chemical Company in the 1940s, selling cyanide gas to the Nazis for use in Auschwitz. “Fearing for his life after the war, he took refuge in the Catholic church and was ordained a priest in late 1946.  In 1958, he was ordained Poland’s youngest bishop.”  72

Said the Pope, “Jerusalem stands out as a symbol of coming together, of union, and of universal peace for the human family.  This peace, proclaimed by Jesus Christ in the name of the Father who is in heaven, makes Jerusalem the living sign of the great ideal of unity, of brotherhood, and of agreement among peoples”.  73

Jerusalem – the city of peace?

No longer.

Christian and Israelite alike should turn their eyes from false interpretations of the unholy city and forsaken land of Israel, and look to the New Jerusalem, for it is there that our Saviour ministers on our behalf.

When Satan has his world religion in place, he will officially announce his New World Order, and fulfil his long-awaited desire to place himself on the throne at Jerusalem as the Son of God and the king of Israel.

Or will he?

Maybe God has other plans.

Go to -- Chapter 8

The Preparation