Every new version brings Christians closer together, as each is more corrupt than the previous one.  If you examine an early print against a later print of the same version, you will find differences.  The New International Version (NIV) is a good example. 68

The one world church is fast taking shape.

On July 28-30 1997, a conference was held in Melbourne that is a giant step in the unifying of all religions.    It was the first of its kind in the world.  69

This meeting was a subsidiary conference of the World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP), an organisation that has been operating for some years, the first session of the 6th Assembly being held in 1994 at the Vatican.  The Melbourne conference was called Religion and Cultural Diversity Conference; and you will be surprised at the names of some of the delegates and supporters.  70

New Age leader Maurice Strong and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, were in Australia to open the conference.  Also in attendance were the Governor General of Australia, Sir William Deane, and Cardinal Francis Arinze, one of the possibilities for the next Pope. 71

The planning committee comprised:

  • The Hon Sir James Gobbo AC, the Governor of Victoria.

  • Mr B (Hass) Dellal OAM. Australian Multicultural Foundation.

  • Dr John Bodycomb. OAM. World Conf. On Religion and Peace.

  • Prof Desmond Cahill. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

  • Dr Fiona Hill. World Conf. On Religion and Peace. Australia.

  • Rev John Baldock (1996) World Conf on Religion and Peace. 72

Supporting sponsors were:

  • Victorian Multicultural Commission.

  • The National Australian Bank.

  • The University of Melbourne.

  • The State Government of Victoria. 73

Members and Signatories include:

  • The Hon Mr John Howard MP Prime Minister of Australia

  • The Hon Mr Kim Beazley MP Leader of the Opposition. 74

Behind the scenes, the conference was controlled, instigated, and indoctrinated by the Temple of Understanding, the Vatican, the Parliament of World Religions, UNESCO, and the United Nations.   The New Age international organisation, Conflict Resolution Network, and Unity and Diversity Council, took centre stage during proceedings.  75

One of the major subjects was Aboriginal reconciliation and land rights issues.  “The hidden agenda of the UN and UNESCO, as organs of the NWO, has never been more clever and seditious than through the ‘indigenous peoples’ propaganda.” 76

Wendy Howard, editor of ‘Despatch’ magazine said that “all white people at the conference were referred to as ‘immigrants’… The expected dialogue between aborigines and white Australians are more dictatorial, unchallengeable demands than discussion.”   77

“Dreamtime theology is being used to claim rights over Australia because of the ‘sacred’ religious ‘rights’ of the ‘indigenous’ to our country.  This makes Christianity an imported religion.” 78

The Aboriginal religion is a belief in the serpent god.  “The Rainbow Spirit is often portrayed by our Aboriginal artists as a powerful snake who emerged from the land, travelled the landscape leaving trails of life, and then returning to the land through caves, waterholes and other sacred sites…” 79

Christianity is being blamed for the raping of the land, and the causing of wars.  “Syncretism will end all that” we are told.  The plan is to unite all religions to make it a peaceful acceptance of the one world government. 80

This world religion will be a United Religious Organisation (URO or simply United Religion UR), structured in much the same way as the United Nations, and sharing the same goals. Once the URO is created, the World Network of Religious Futurists predict, it will be given the task of creating a New Covenant for the planet.  81

“The URO… will discern the nature of that covenant, and with it the responsibilities, rather than the rights, of planetary citizenship.”  82

The main task of the Religion and Cultural Diversity Conference in Melbourne was to prepare the way for this United Religion, which was introduced at the 50th anniversary of the United Nations commemorative service on June 25, 1995. 83

The service took place in San Francisco’s Grace Episcopal cathedral, with representatives from all religions, including political and spiritual leaders like Princess Margaret of Great Britain, Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, then-President Lech Walesa of Poland.  84

The plans were made public in a letter inviting Christians to join the United Religions Initiative, signed by the Rt Rev William E Swing, Bishop of California, Ms Juliet Hollister, Founder of the Temple of Understanding, Dr Robert Muller, Chancellor United Nations Peace University. 85

In part the letter said, “Already, building on 100 years of interfaith effort, people of many faiths, from many parts of the world have committed themselves to make the UR vision a reality.  Success requires the participation of leaders of the world’s historic religions, and of newer spiritual movements… It requires the participation of grassroots people all over the world. It requires your help… Together we can change the world.”   86

Shortly before leaving on a world tour to build support for the United Religions, Bishop Swing said, “We’re on the threshold of the first global civilization…. as we become one global unit, we have to find out where religion is in regard to our global tribe.”  87

According to UR literature, the United Religions Organisation had the launching of its written charter in June 1997, and it should be fully in place by June 1999, or June 2000. 88

Its headquarters will be at the Presidio, the former military base in San Francisco, United States of America.   Ferreira stated that the UR “is meant to be for religions what the UN is for nations”. 89

Throughout the conference, the delegates “were confronted with the responsibility of making judgments, contributing ideas and spiritual inspiration for an Australia Ethic… however… towards the end of the proceedings, the Global Ethic was cited as a wonderful example of a unified ethical tenet that could be followed in Australia.”  90

The presentation of the Global Ethic to the Melbourne conference was mere formality, as it has already been decided upon by the United Religions at the second State of the World Forum in October 1996.  91

In 1991, Hans Kung, a Catholic theologian, and the chief compiler of the Ethic, stated to the United Nations in 1991 that “religions must… work with world outlooks that are not religious but that propose views on the deep meaning of life and ethics for living”.   The Global Ethic “must center on both man and universe so that humanistic and religious precepts are included.” 92

His Eminence Cardinal Francis Arinze asked in his opening address, “What are we going to do with the people in the world who are willing to die for their faith?”  93

Obviously a rhetorical question, and used to give a message to the delegates of accepting all religions as truth, all gods as the same god.  And listening to the message were Anglican and Catholic archbishops in purple and scarlet, Buddhists in saffron robes, Islamic leaders in traditions gowns, Greek Orthodox priests in black robes, Jewish rabbis with black suits and skull caps, Salvation Army soldiers in uniform, Uniting Church ministers with back-to-front collars, World visions representatives, and many others.   94

At the conclusion of the Melbourne Religion, Cultural and Diversity Conference, the lights were dimmed and the single candle on each table flickered before 250 dignitaries of many different religions.  Each delegate watched the flame as the words were spoken:

                                                 “Let us focus on the candle,
                                                      the small quivering fire,
                                                     the light in the darkness,
                                                    the call to evening prayer,
                                                      the call to thanksgiving…
                                           for our togetherness, for our unity,
                                           as sons and daughters of the earth
                                                 in this vast and ancient land,
                                            this sacred soil of the Dreamtime…
                                        In the presence of the ineffable Other,
                                                     the Holy Being of Infinity,
                                                       the Numinous Beyond,
                                                     the One and the Ultimate,
                                                     the Alpha and the Omega,
                                             the Unknown and the Unknowable,
                                                          Lord of the Cosmos,
                                                       Centre of Creation God,
                                           the God of power and righteousness.
                                                We pray to you in the immensity
                                                 and grandeur of the world…” 95

And hidden in the recesses of his evil realm, Satan is laughing, for these delegates are praying to him.

In 1998, the World Council of Churches will celebrate its 50th anniversary, and according to its literature, it is making radical changes to its organisational structure, including a new ecumenical forum that will include the Roman Catholic Church, and the evangelical movement.  96

However, there is a catch.

John Paul 11 repeatedly tells his weekly audience of visiting Christians at the Vatican, that “Christian unity will not become a reality unless all churches accept the authority Christ entrusted to St Peter and his successors…

This unity will not be fully manifested until all Christians accept Christ’s will for the Church and acknowledge the apostolic authority of the bishops, in communion with the successor of Peter.”  97

He also told 523 charismatic delegates at their 4th International Conference in Rome that “Full ecumenacy means total unity with the Roman Catholic Church or Unity under the Papacy;  the leadership and authority the Pope in the absolute sense.  All the way and with all the family of nations.”  98

According to Malachi Martin, the Pope sees himself as “the servant of God who would slowly prepare all men and women, in their earthly condition, for eternal salvation in the Heaven of God’s glory.”  99 

This picture is clearly seen in the message below. It is quite a long portion, but needs to be read in full to see the determination of Rome in its effort to gain supremacy over all religions.

“The Catholic Church has no wish to use force to make anyone share the conviction she holds.  She only desires that those who seek the goal of unity will also accept the means to it.  That is the sum of her intolerance…

The error of looking for the great Church in any other place than where it essentially exists, calls to mind the vehement but most understandable desire of a man to rediscover the light, of which an accident has deprived him, or of an orphan trying to find its mother.

In the universal joy that will ensure when reunion has been achieved, it will be realised that the attempt to rediscover the light was only the result of failing to look for it in the right place, and that the orphan’s gesture of despair was only a bad dream.

If the Spirit deigns to make her reality clear to the minds of those who do not now see her, the true Church of Christ will appear as ‘the woman clothed with the sun’, for the mother is still alive.  She has never ceased to hope, to watch and to wait, far into the long night.  She has pondered in her heart and before God what could have so wounded some of her children that they went away from her to those unlikely regions.

But now in the interval of uncertainty that divides the darkness of the Cross from the light of the Resurrection, many of her children are coming back to her;  their hearts become sensitive to a voice that says to them: Doubt has become impossible BEHOLD YOUR MOTHER”. 100

“Marvellous in her shrewdness and cunning is the Roman Church.  She can read what is to be. She bides her time, seeing that the Protestant churches are paying her homage… Protestants little know what they are doing when they propose to accept the aid of Rome.  While they are bent upon the accomplishment of their purposes, Rome is aiming to re-establish her power, to recover her lost supremacy.”  101

The stage is almost set for the ‘mark of the beast’.

King James Bible

Countdown to Eternity


Chapter 9 – The World Church

 Christian Century. 1948. Quoted in Pilgrim’s Rest WM 132.
The WCC – A Haven for Marxists. William McIlvany.
5 Testimonies p712. E White.
The Trumpet Press Inc’.  Box 21011. Dallas. Texas.  Address probably not available.
WCC organisation’s listed on information pamphlet by the International Christian Relief. (ICR)  An organisation not affiliated with the UN, headquartered in New Jersey.
Pilgrim’s Rest. WM132.
So Much in Common. B.B. Beach p128.
Foundation. Jan-Feb 1986.
BEM Statement p18.
Foundation. Jan-Feb 1986.
Official Report of the WCC meeting in Canberra. Ms Jean Skuse. Victorian Moderator p9.
New Life. Feb 21. 1997.
Video: Hands Across the Gulf  by Nancy Hamilton.
New Life. Feb 21.1997.
Matthew 7:13.14.
John 14:6.
Acts 4:12.
1 John 2:2.
Matthew 11:28.
WCC Document PL3.3. Feb 8 1991 Canberra p12.
Ibid p7.
WCC video Opening Ceremony & Professor Chung.
Many Christians are voicing this thought, and if you move in Christian circles of those who believe in ecumenism, you will hear it.
WCC Press Release.
2 Corinthians 6:14.
Endtime Ministries.. P.O.Box 238. Landsborough. 4550.
Ibid quoting Jan Marcusson newsletter 1993.
Robert Schuller can be seen in a photograph of Pope John Paul 11 looking over the plans of the Crystal Cathedral.   I have seen it personally.
The Beacon Call.. Apr 1996. P.O.Box 6019. Bend. Oregon. 97708. USA.
News and Views. Jul-Aug 1982.
You need to understand that the languages of Acts 2 were understood by the people from many countries.  They are for the purpose of sharing the gospel.
Endtime Ministries. Special report on the holy laughter.  And ‘The Holy Laughter Apostasy’ Pilgrim’s Rest WM 708.
Pilgrim’s Rest. p3. HCR. Box 38A. Beersheba Springs. TN 37305. USA.
Photograph taken from video.  ‘The Toronto Blessing Unmasked’ by Bill Koulaxizellis. Box 1609.Preston South. 3072. Australia.
From video of his public programs as seen on television every week.
Jan Marcusson newsletter 1997.
Australian Beacon. Mar 1996 p12.
Far Eastern Beacon. Aug 1994.
Voice in the Wilderness and Christian World Report Jan 1994 p8.
Newslink ABC News sheet Australia.
Australian Beacon’s Oct 1998 p9.
The Masculine Journey p24. Quoted in ‘Australian Beacon’ Aug 1995.
Newslink ABC news sheet.
Revelation 14:12.
Christian World Report No. 1993.
This Week on Bible Prophecy Oct 1994 p12.
Ibid p13.
World Goodwill by Lucis Trust.
Is There only One Bible?  M Tierney.  Video: New Age Bibles. Gail Riplinger.
Christ’s Object Lessons p11.
Is There Only One Bible?
Video: Gail Riplinger.
Special Report Dispatch No.1 p1.
Ibid No.2. p11. No.1.p2.
Rainbow Spirit Theology p46.
Ibid p13.
Temples of Tomorrow: Toward a United Religious Organisation. Richard Kirby & Earl D.C. Brewer.  Quoted in Special Report No.2 p10.
Special Report Despatch No.2. p10.
Jan Marcusson newsletter p1995.
Special Report Despatch No.2 p1.
Australian Beacon Feb 1997 p3.
The Beacon Call Apr 1997.
Audio: Texe Marrs.
Keys of this Blood .  Malachi Martin.
The Great Controversy E White p581.

Chapter 9

“Interfaith religiosity gives credibility, humanity, warmth, to a cold-hearted killer regime and masks its intentions.”    
Wendy Howard    Editor ‘Dispatch’   

To unite the world under one head, the Illuminati Conspirators must work on two fronts:  the political and the religious.  In the political arena, the work is being achieved through the United Nations where  Member States are gradually being brought into harmony in every area of  civil and social life.

On the religious front, a Luciferian priesthood is working through the World Council of Churches (WCC), to bring men and women together into one religion.   The WCC is the religious arm of the United Nations.

This World Council was founded in 1948, in Amsterdam Holland.   It was a secret meeting, and only a limited number of reports from subsequent meetings were allowed out to the public.   Reporters were not permitted to quote from debates.

In the United States, the editor of ‘Christian Century’ magazine told a minister’s meeting that a WCC report would be “an embarrassment to the Christian churches for many years to come… as it was overloaded with Communist sympathy”.  1

The men who founded the WCC were leaders of the Federal Council of Churches, formed out of the ranks of the Methodist Federation for Social Action in 1908.  “Most prominent among its leaders was the late Rev Harry F Ward, a leading apologist for the Soviet Union, a founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, a professor at Union Theological Seminary, and twice identified under oath as a Communist Party member.” 2

In 1935, the Federal Council was cited by United States Naval Intelligence as a subversive group.  In 1950, it had such a bad name, that it was reorganised and given the name National Council of Churches (NCC).  By 1960, the staff director of the House Committee of UnAmerican Activities, Richard Arens, could testify concerning the NCC, “We have found over 100 persons in leadership capacity with either communist-front records or records of service to communist causes.”  3

Some religious historians have suggested that the Federal Council of Churches was previously the National Reform Movement, an organisation operating in the 1880s.  Whether or not there is a direct link, the same can be said of one and all, that, “when fully developed, would manifest the same intolerance and oppression that have prevailed in past ages.”  4

The objectives of the National Council of Churches in the late 1950s was as follows:

  • Disarmament
  • Ban nuclear testing
  • Abolish loyalty oaths
  • Abolish all investigative committees on communism
  • Integration, racial amalgamation (Multiculturalism today)
  • Change the social order
  • Increase foreign aid to communist countries
  • Recognition of  Red China
  • Advance propaganda through communist fronts
  • Recruit others to the conspiracy
  • Join political and labour movements
  • Destruction of immigration and passport laws
  • Clemency for convicted spies
  • Reconstruct religion on basis of scientific materialism

Every one of these objectives could also be read in Communist literature of the day.  The purpose of both parties was to “promote a world-wide organisation”.  5

These Marxist principles find their most vocal ‘religious’ expression in so-called Liberation Theology, whose basic premise is that history is the class-struggle between the oppressor and the oppressed.  They blame the world’s problems on capitalism.  Some of its promoters have been Karl Barth, Rudolph Bultmann, Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

This theology is very aggressive and to fulfil its goals for a world-wide takeover, it supports terrorism with money received from various WCC ‘humanitarian’ organisations throughout the world.  Public donations and Christian churches little realise they are supporting terrorism through donations to the WCC programs. 6

The World Council of Churches operates on four levels.  Level 1 is the minister’s fraternal, now called a fellowship.  Level 2 is the state or provincial council of churches.  These operate as a liaison to pass along organisational guidelines and special campaigns, issues, days and events to be emphasised on the local level.   Level 3 is the national level.  Most countries have a National Council of Churches by various names. 

The top level is the World Council of Churches, headquartered in Geneva.  This ties the world network of ecumenical activities into one immense whole.   7

All denominational participants are at the national level, as the organisational plan does not permit denominational membership directly with the WCC.  The reason is through ‘fear of a single super church’.

Today there are over three hundred denominations belonging to these organisations, some as Full Members, Co-operating or Associate Members.  The only difference between the types of membership is that some denominations, although they have declared in writing their adherence to the foundation beliefs of the WCC, are not willing to make their stand public.

When it officially became operative, only Protestants were invited to join the National Council of Churches in the various countries.  During those days, there was a large gulf between Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church, but this all changed after 1962,  for  Vatican 11 began its wooing back the ‘separated brethren’.

In 1965, Cardinal Bea went to the WCC headquarters in Geneva and formally announced that the Vatican had accepted the WCC’s offer to initiate close relationships by beginning formal doctrinal meetings with them.  These began two years later.

The Catholic level of participation was at first Observer Status, but later became that of Adviser. When phoning the Sydney office of the National Council of Churches regarding a video of the WCC assembly in Canberra, the switchboard operator said:  “The person you should speak to is Father….  He is engaged at the moment.  Can I have him call you back?”   When asked if he was a Catholic or an Anglican priest, the enthusiastic reply was, “Oh, he is a Catholic”.   This is typical, as many Roman Catholics work behind the scenes.

A book called ‘So Much in Common’ put out by the Faith and Order Commission, a subsidiary of the WCC stated, “Since 1965, the Catholic Church has fully entered the ecumenical movement and established a number of relations with the headquarters of the WCC and its member organisations.”  All thirteen churches represented on this committee are Full Members, including the Roman Catholic Church.  8

The Faith and Order Commission is the most important of all WCC units, tracing its roots back to a Faith and Order conference held at Lausanne, Switzerland in 1927, 21 years before the WCC came into being.  The most important product of its work to date is the publication ‘Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry’.  This document is often referred to as the ‘BEM Statement’ or the ‘Lima Statement’, since it was adopted at a meeting of the Commission in Lima Peru, in 1982.  9

The importance of this document for the ecumenical movement is stated in its preface,  “If the divided churches are to achieve the visible unity they seek, one of the essential prerequisites is that they should be in basic agreement on Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry.”  10

Virtually all the confessional traditions are included in the Commission’s membership, and have already achieved a remarkable degree of agreement.

“The churches have begun to discover many promising convergences in their shared convictions and perspectives. These convergences give assurance that despite much diversity in theological expression the churches have much in common in their understanding of the faith.”   11

If you are a non-Christian reader, you may not understand that the only reason there is ‘much in common’ in these three areas of the Lima document, is because there has been a compromise on these beliefs.  There are actually vast differences between the churches, but Protestantism has compromised to accommodate doctrines of  the Roman Catholic Church.

The very word ‘eucharist’ for instance, is a Catholic term, but is now adopted by many Protestant churches.  This doctrine is also called the ‘Mass’, a teaching called ‘transubstantiation’, in which the substance of the bread and the wine is supposed to be changed into the actual body and blood of Christ through the words of the priest.  In the Bible, the Lord’s Supper is symbolic, and not ‘another Calvary’, as taught by the Catholic Church.

That ‘feared’ big super-church is forming before our very eyes, but not only does it have the ecumenical blending of  Protestants and Catholics, it has gradually become syncretistic, with the introduction of non-Christian religions.

In 1983, at the Vancouver Assembly, the true ‘spirituality’ of the WCC was clearly seen, as Observers have reported that “much of the worship at Vancouver was heathen worship and most of it was not worship at all in the Scriptural sense.” 12

Of course,  those who did not have a Biblical understanding, such as Ms Jean Skuse the Vice Moderator, could not see the dangers. who stated, “I have never sung so many alleluias or kyries before in my life!”  13

At the 1991 Seventh Assembly in Canberra Australia, syncretism was clearly the order of the day.

“Not content with building a super-church along lowest common-denominator lines, the WCC is now looking towards other ‘living faiths’, as it calls Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, and is seeking to equate Christianity with pagan ‘spirituality.’”   14

The opening service in Canberra involved Aboriginal men performing a corroboree-type dance, a ‘traditional cleansing process for Aboriginal people’.  Aboriginal Anglican bishop, Arthur Malcolm, speaking at the Assembly said, “Christian Aboriginals have transformed their old symbolic events, as Aboriginal spirituality is joined with Christian spirituality.”  15

A personal friend, Nancy Hamilton, interviewed on video the aboriginal dancers who performed for the newly constructed Australian Council of Churches. (It was a similar style dance to Canberra).  After they had performed the same routine on the city streets, she asked if they had danced at the above meeting.

After their affirmative reply she questioned, “Is what you do Christian?”

The reply was an incredulous “No”. 16

Obviously many Christians are totally deceived, or church leaders are blatantly lying.

The boldest syncretistic statement at the Canberra Assembly  came from the WCC’s director of inter-faith dialogue, Dr Wesley Ariarajah, a Sri Lankan Methodist.  He stated, “My understanding of God’s love is too broad for me to believe that only this narrow segment called the Christian church will be saved.  If you are a Christian you must be open and broad, not narrow and exclusive.”  17

Dr Ariarajah’s message was a complete denial of the words of Jesus.  “Enter ye at the strait gate,  for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be that go in thereat, because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”  18

Jesus made it clear that  He is “the way, the truth, and the life”, and “no man cometh to the Father”, except by Him. 19

This does not mean that God does not speak through the Holy Spirit to men and women of other faiths, but His message is one of pleading to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour.   Christianity is exclusive, for “there (is no) salvation in any other;  there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”  20

However, Christianity is also inclusive, for the death of Jesus Christ upon the cross of Calvary was for all mankind – “for the sins of the whole world”.  21

Jesus speaks to every human being saying, “Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”   22

Dear Reader, that includes you.

The most disturbing witness presentation at the Canberra Assembly was by Ms Chung Hyun-Kyung, a young minister of the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea and professor at Ewha Women’s University, Seoul.  Ms Chung has an attractive manner, and her message was presented in a very appealing way, but it was pure heathenism.

Professor Chung opened the Assembly with a ‘prayer’, which was in actual fact, an invocation for evil spirits to be present in the meetings.  She called (supposedly) the spirits of Hagar, Joan of Ark, murdered babies, indigenous people who had suffered genocide, Jewish, Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims, the spirit of the Amazon rain forest “being murdered every day”, the spirit of Earth, Air, Water “raped, tortured and exploited by human greed for money…”   23

Ms Chung explains her concept of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ in the following way.   “I want to close my reflection on the Holy spirit (sic) by sharing with you my image of the Holy spirit from my cultural background. 

For me, the… Holy spirit is…Kwan In… Goddess (sic) of compassion and wisdom by East Asian women’s popular religousity… Her (sic) compassionate wisdom heals all forms of life and empowers them to swim to the short of Nirvana. She waits and waits until the whole universe, people, trees, birds, mountains, air, water, become enlightened.” 24

Her presentation of heathenism concluded with the invitation, “Wild wind of the Holy spirit blow to us.  Let us welcome her, letting ourselves go in her wild rhythm of life.  Come Holy Spirit, Renew the whole Creation. Amen”  25

What was the reaction of the Assembly?  Professor Chung received a standing ovation.  26

What is wrong with the Christian Church?  Unfortunately, UNITY is all that seems to count.  Unity with everyone no matter what they believe.

Can you see the world church forming?

Even self-acclaimed believers throughout the world are falling for the devil’s plan and saying, “There will be only one church in the end-time, so let’s just forget about doctrine and join together in unity”.  27

Satan is well-pleased.

What about your church -- is it part of the ecumenical program?

Does it belong to the National Council of Churches?  Does it participate in the World Day of Prayer?  Easter sunrise services?  Christmas services?   Women’s services?   Other WCC programs?

Are you cooperating with the United Nations agenda?  Have your church leaders signed their allegiance to the WCC, whether Full Members, Associate Members, Cooperating Members, even Adviser or Observer Status?

Do not be deceived by words like, “We need to know what is going on?”  or  “We receive benefits?”   Churches must pay their dues to receive benefits.

Does your minister attend the minister’s fraternity – Level 1 of   the WCC?   Some minister’s say, “I go to witness”, but  the WCC bylaws forbid ‘prosletising’.   Imagine how far a witness for truth would progress if clearly stated?

An official WCC press release of 1997 states, “The World Council of Churches is a fellowship of churches, now 330, in more than 100 countries in all continents from virtually all Christian traditions.”  28

What does God say?

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”  29

We are in a crisis, and now is the time for decision.

Progress towards unity is being made in many different ways, and through many religions. One is The Temple of Understanding, a religion with a temple funded by John D Rockefeller 1, Socialist leader, Norman Thomas and Robert McNamara.  The spiritual priesthood operating the Temple is the United Lodge of Theosophists of New York.   They receive tax exemption through the United Nations affiliated Lucis Trust, a publishing company begun by Theosophist Alice Bailey, and originally called Lucifer Publishing.  30

The Temple of Understanding has a huge glass dome shaped like a cut diamond in the centre, illuminated at night “to indicate symbolically that the light of understanding continues to shine.”   Six large rectangular rooms radiate from the dome.  31   (Sun symbol)

The six major religions are:  Hinduism, Buddism, Islam, Judaism, Confucianism, and Christianity. 

One of the most successful areas of church unity is through charismatic leaders such as Pat Robertson, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Chuck Colson, J.I.Packer, Oral Roberts, Rodney Howard Browne, Robert Schuller, James Dobson, Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Bill Bright, Bill Hybels, as well as ministries such as the 700 Club, Praise the Lord Club (PTL), Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Trinity Broadcasting Network, and many others.  32

All are cooperating with Rome.

Do not be deceived.  Many of these men have personally met the Pope of Rome. 

Pat Robertson, founder of CBN, is just one of a dozen or more high-profile evangelicals being seduced.  After he met with Pope John Paul 11, he described their meeting as ‘warm’.  “I think this meeting was historic”, he said.    Chuck Colson and J.I Packer also met Pope John Paul at the New York residence of Cardinal O’Connor.  33

Robertson described the Pope as “a humble and caring servant of the Lord”.  He presented a letter to the pontiff underscoring CBN’s commitment to work for Christian unity and world evangelisation.  He had been encouraged by the Pope’s encyclical on Christian unity – ‘That all may be One’ – and praised the Pope for his recent call to Catholics to “be more committed to pray for Christian unity. 34

Billy Graham is another Christian leader who has met the Pope on a number of occasions.  He now moves in high political circles.  With such a high-profile, Christians of all denominations are being drawn along with him, yet Graham refuses to speak out on issues contrary to Christianity, such as abortion, homosexuality, even the persecution of Christians. 35

Television evangelists also have great weight with the Christian community.  Many are speaking in ‘tongues’, and millions are absolutely fooled by the ecstatic utterance portrayed by many of these men.   It is a gibberish accomplishing the purpose of Satan in breaking down the distinctiveness of denominations, differences that were once the point of truth that caused separation from error. 

Pentecostals, Anglicans, Assemblies of God, Baptists, in fact anyone, can join hands and be as one.  Protestants feel closer to Jesus, and Catholics closer to Mary and the Mass.

Another phenomenon uniting the churches is the ‘holy laughter’, commonly called the ‘Toronto blessing’.  Rodney Howard Browne and Kenneth Copeland are two of the most well-known leaders who are part of this phenomenon. 37

At one meeting Browne prayed, “Either You come down here and touch me, or I will come up there and touch You!”  After that blasphemous prayer, suddenly “his whole body felt like it was on fire.  He began to laugh uncontrollably.  Then he wept and began to speak in tongues.”  38

The congregation was in uncontrollable laughter during the performance.

Kenneth Copeland alternates between English and ‘tongues’, and when the speaking is slowed down and examined, one can hear words that are crude and blasphemous.   He can also be seen giving the ‘horned’ hand salute of Satan worship.  39

Benny Hinn operates his meetings in a more sophisticated manner, but with the same telltale symptoms.  He concentrates on the so-called ‘anointing of the Lord’, and like Browne and Copeland, touches his subjects on the forehead, and they fall backwards to the floor, supposedly ‘slain by the Lord’ and healed of their diseases. 40

His vast audiences are manipulated, and at a word they will begin chanting, “We are anointed, we are anointed, we are anointed”, until he gives the signal to stop. 41

Those who are caught up in this emotional celebration-style service are ripe for receiving the ‘mark of the beast’, as their Christianity is not based on the truth of the Bible, but on their own experience and feelings of euphoria.

 “How can it be wrong when it feels so good?” ask many.

A man at one meeting stated, “I know it’s so big it has to be of the devil or of God, but if God gets the credit, it can’t be of the devil.” 42

Yes it can.

It is part of Satan’s plan to unite all churches into one super-church, despite the fears of those who will not officially join the World Council of Churches.  If the devil cannot achieve his aims one way, he will try another, and another, and another.

He has something to deceive everyone.

He has deceptions especially designed for women.  In 1994, the World Council of Churches sponsored a ‘Re-imaging Conference’ in Minneapolis Minnesota. An estimated 2000 women attended "seeking to change Christianity”.  43

Delores Williams of Union Theological Seminary said, “I don’t think we need a theory of atonement at all.  I don’t think we need folks hanging on crosses and blood dripping and weird stuff.  We just need to listen to the god within”  
(This is New Age pantheism coming directly from Satan in the Garden of Eden)  44

Professor Chung, the young Korean theologian who spoke in Canberra was present, and she told the crowd, “My bowel is a Buddhist bowel, my heart is a Buddhist heart, my right brain is a Confucian brain, and my left brain is a Christian brain.”  45

She also said that her ‘Christianity’ has been transformed by three goddesses – the Hindu Kali, the Buddhist Dwan-Yin and the Indigenous Ina of the Philippines.  However, she also has a fourth deity, the goddess Sophia, to whom the women at this conference were introduced. 46

On Sunday morning, the conferencees joined together in a Communion service of milk and honey, repeating a prayer to the goddess Sophia, “Sophia, creator god, shower us with thy love. Our maker Sophia, we are women in your image…. Our guide Sophia…. With the honey of wisdom in our mouths, we prophesy a full humanity to all peoples.” 47

Satan has also a deception for the men.  It is called the Promise Keepers, and was organised in 1990 by a former college football coach, Bill McCartney.  48

This movement is going worldwide through Internet and personal contact with men who are hungry for the feel-good ecumenical, psychological euphoria.  It is called the “greatest move of God since the day of Pentecost.”  49

As with the women’s group, there is a hidden message of sexuality.  A book largely promoted is ‘The Masculine Journey’ by Robert Hicks.  It is based on his own experience of being a man, with explicit statements to prove it.  50

When hundreds of thousands of men marched into Washington DC on October 5 1997, their assembling around the Washington monument portrayed a message to the initiated, and to every other spiritist of all secret societies and occult worshippers in the world, as phallicism and sun worship are the backbone of them all.  51

Is there no one protesting about these blasphemous cults?

Yes, there is the remnant.  “Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and have the faith of Jesus”, and you can be one of them.    52

But it takes commitment.

The world church is forming before our eyes, but little did we know that Satan had been working on it since 1893, when a World Parliament of Religions was formed.  It was funded by the Rockefellers, organised by deep occultists, witches and satanists, saturated with false Eastern religions, and was the beginning of the ‘interfaith movement’, a giant step toward the global unification of all religions and cults.  53

The Chairman, Dr John Henry Barrows, in his opening address, quoted Theosophist Madame Blavatsky’s desire to bring all religions into “one harmonious whole”, and to make them “merge back into their element”.  54

One hundred years later, in 1993, the centennial was held in Chicago, with two hundred delegates gathered together for the nine-day event. 55

This World Parliament of Religions was “pushed by pro-New Age front groups such as the International Association for Religious Freedom
(Germany), the Temple of Understanding (New York), the World Conference on Religion and Peace (Switzerland), and the World Congress of Faiths (London). 56

One hundred and fifty of the world’s religions perused a document entitled ‘Towards a Global Ethic’ – An Initial Declaration.  One journalist called it a “joint statement of rule for living on which the world’s religions agree”.  57   

The introduction to this Global Ethic states, “The world is in agony.  The agony is so pervasive and urgent that we are compelled to name its manifestations so that the depth of this pain may be clear.  Peace eludes us….  The planet is being destroyed… neighbours live in fear… women and men are estranged from each other… children die.”  58

It continues in a series of condemnations, with very emotive wording, “We condemn the abuses of Earth’s ecosystem.  We condemn the poverty that stifles life’s potential;  the hunger that weakens the human body;  the economic disparities that threaten so many families with ruin.  We condemn the social disarray of the nations;  the disregard for justice which pushes citizens to the margin;  the anarchy overtaking our communities;  and the insane death of children from violence.  In particular we condemn aggression and hatred in the name of religion.”  59

After stating the problem, the Parliament of World Religion’s Global Ethic declares, “We are interdependent… We must treat others as we wish others to treat us…  No person should ever be considered or treated as a second class citizen, or be exploited in any way whatever.  There should be equal partnership between men and women.  We must not commit any kind of sexual immorality.  We must put behind us all forms of domination or abuse… We must speak and act truthfully, and with compassion, dealing fairly with all, and avoiding prejudice and hatred.  We must not steal.  We must move beyond the dominance of greed for power, prestige, money, and consumption to make a just and peaceful world…”  60

Christians will readily see that much of this is drawn from the ten commandments, especially as given by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, and although truth-filled sentiments, they are mere words to the Conspirators, for they do not intend to follow them.

The 150 religious delegates committed themselves to this Global Ethic, promising “to understand one another”, and to order their lives so as to be “socially beneficial, peace-fostering, and have a nature-friendly way of life.”

The Ethic concluded, “We invite all people, whether religious or not, to do the same.”  61

After the Parliament was over, ‘World Goodwill’ wrote, “Perhaps one of the most liberating perspectives to come out of the dialogue between members of different faiths is the recognition that there are different Paths to God realization, with each Path offering precious insights into truth for those who are inspired to live and make manifest its teachings”.  62

This is propaganda and completely false.  Millions are being brainwashed by these lies.  It only takes a Bible to prove them wrong.

If you do not have a King James Bible, you need to purchase one, for soon they will not be available. You may not have noticed, but new versions are gradually taking over from the KJV.  It is part of the plot.

Satan has already deceived those who do not study the Bible for truth;  he must also confuse Christians who are Bible students.

The base text of the 1611 King James Bible is the Textus Receptus, the Greek ‘text received’ through the centuries from the early Christian church.  It is not the original, but contains many hundreds of copies kept sacred, handed down and re-copied from the time of the apostles. 63

You need to know that all other English translations have a corrupted Greek text as their base called the Sinaiticus and the Vaticanus, one found in the vaults of the Vatican, the other in a wastepaper basket at the monastery of Saint Catherine, below the spurious Mount Sinai. 64

You need to know about two men – Westcott and Hort – who were responsible for corrupting the base text of every English translation of the Bible, except one.   These men were occultists, one being a member of the Society of Ghosts. 65   

Is your Bible the Word of God?

“Our salvation depends on a knowledge of the truth contained in the Scriptures.  It is God’s will that we should possess this. Search, O search the precious Bible with hungry hearts.  Explore God’s word as the miner explores the earth to find veins of gold.”  66

If your Bible is not the Word of God, it is a counterfeit, and no matter how many hours of study you do, you will not learn the full truth.  One missing text can corrupt a whole doctrine; the end result will be gross error.

A study of every translation will reveal that they all follow the corrupted base text of Westcott and Hort. 67

God’s Word is precious.