Climate Change

Ted Turner, the creator of CNN and once Chairman of the United Nations Foundation Board of Directors, said in  2008  that  next  to  nuclear  disarmament, the  most pressing concern is ‘global climate change.’ 

NASA stated, “Most (said to be 97%) climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the ‘greenhouse effect’.”   

An article in the Financial Post stated, “Like so much else in the climate change debate, one needs to check the numbers.  First of all,  on  what  exactly  are 97 per cent of experts supposed to agree?

In 2013, U.S. President Barack Obama sent out a tweet “claiming 97 per cent of climate experts believe global warming is ‘real, man-made and dangerous.’ As it turns out, the survey he was referring to didn’t ask that question, so he was basically making it up.”    Maurice Newman on global warming  -

The article continued, “At a recent debate in New Orleans, I heard climate activist Bill McKibben claim there was a consensus that greenhouse gases are ‘a grave danger.’ But when challenged for the source of his claim, he promptly withdrew it.” 

Yes, the subject is controversial. It is now called ‘climate change’, rather than ‘global warming’, although many still refer to it as global warming.

According to the report of Iron Mountain, a secret meeting of the elite in 1961-1966, the population of the earth must be kept in fear.   If not, there was danger of the  nations  over-taking  the  controlling  powers. They concluded that it was too costly for there to be universal peace and therefore wars must continue.  

It was also decided the environment would be the second means of control.   

NASA and the corporations would damage the environment to the fear level, then the world would be under their control.  The report was published in 1967, and President Johnson said it was never to be given to the American people.  At the same time he made public that Iron Mountain and its report was a hoax.

Is blaming humanity for global warming a covert agenda to place worry and concern on the hearts of men and women so that the United Nations can take control?   

In 2015, Christopher Booker of the ‘The Telegraph’ wrote an article saying we are still being tricked with flawed data on global warming. “It is wholesale corruption of proper science”, he said, citing evidence that temperatures are “adjusted.”    

He explained that because 80% of the earth is water, the recording stations do not cover the earth.  The stations are located in urban centres which have been shown to be up to 2o  higher than rural areas.  “The lack of real data is made up by computerised infillings based on temperatures recorded elsewhere.”  Climategate The Sequel.  Jan 24.2015.

A  ‘National  Review’  article  stated  that  the  climate change funding - $32. 5.US billion since 1989 – comes from the federal government and left-wing foundations, and it goes only towards the warming regulatory agenda. The author described the charitable  foundations  as  a  “shady Billionaire’s Club” distributing billions to advance climate alarmism.

Another means of finance is the wealthy nations providing $100 US billion annually  to the U.N.’s Green Climate Fund to assist disadvantaged nations in developing without fossil fuels.  “If the United Nations can tell us what to do with our money and productivity, we will have lost our sovereignty.” Bill Bell.  Global Warming Science or Politics. Lord C. Monckton on climate change -   Excellent interview

The Unites States has not signed the Paris Agreement, on global warming.  The earliest any nation can opt out is Nov 4, 2020.  Expect to see disasters increase in the United States to push the president to a ‘Yes’ decision, and a call for a return to keep Sunday holy.

In 2015,  Pope  Francis  wrote   an encyclical  entitled, ‘Laudoto Si’ (meaning ‘Praise Be You’ a prayer of St Francis, patron saint of ecology), describing the required response of humanity in the environmental crisis. 

The encyclical also reminds readers of “the principle of the subordination of private property to the universal destination of goods and that Sunday is meant to be a day which heals our relationships with God, with ourselves, with others and with the world.”   Both principles are the belief of the Catholic Church.  The first was written as one of seven social justices by Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical ‘Rerum Novarum’.   The second is another controversial subject in THINK 2.

In September 2015, Pope Francis visited the United States, calling for global-warming leadership before US lawmakers, saying “I am confident that America’s outstanding academic and research institutions can make a vital contribution” to the global warming agenda. 

One man stated, “The church has gotten it wrong a few times on science, and I think we probably are better off leaving science to the scientists…” 

From Congress, Francis went to the United Nations where Agenda 21 was to take place.  He officially endorsed the program of new Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, which includes climate change. 

Before the pope left the United States, a man lashed out for him to “stay with his job, and we’ll stay with ours.” 

However, the pope’s ‘job’ is both religious and political, as he is the leader of his church and the leader of his nation.  Vatican City  is a world State, just  as  valid  as Australia, United States, England, Germany, or any other country.  Thus, the pope had the right to speak on politics before Congress and the United Nations, especially as he had been invited.

While Pope Francis was in the United States, a young man was sharing Christian books with people who were watching the proceedings.  He was standing at the door of the building and noticed limousine after limousine pull up with Catholic priests getting out and going into the building.   One of the priests came over and asked what he was doing.  He showed him the book ‘The Great Controversy’, then asked the priest why so many priests were coming.  He was told they were to teach senators how to deal with climate change. 

The young man asked, ‘Do you mind if I tell you what you will be teaching them?’  The priest was rather surprised, but gave him permission.  He then said, ‘You are teaching them about not working on Sunday because the government will pass a Sunday law.’  At this  the  priest  was  dumb-founded.   His face showed shock and he said, ‘How did you know?’ 

The young Christian smiled, but did not reveal how he knew.  He was a student of Bible prophecy, and knew that the great controversy was about to come to a showdown.   Don’t under-estimate the use being made of ‘climate change’ and its relationship to legislation of a Sunday law.

Men and women who are pushing climate change believe humanity is to blame with its use of fuel fossils and other carbon dioxide-producing activities.  Ted Turner  said  on  CNN, "We’re too many people. That’s why we have global warming."

Other men go even further.  David Attenborough told Radio Times, “We are a plague on the Earth.…”  -  Search Attenborough and quote Kim S. Robinson wrote in ‘The Guardian’, “Empty half the Earth of its humans. It’s the only way to save the planet.” – 2018.  The Guardian is supported by the Rothschild Foundation.

HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh stated in 1981, “If the population is not controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war.”  - Search 'Prince Philip'

It seems there are people who want to deliberately reduce the population!  

Certainly, some people are careless with their use of nature, which  is  a  real  shame.   We need to look after the environment, which most people understand.

However, there are others who are more concerned about nature and animals than human beings.  About twenty years ago, a man applied for permission to extend his home on his property.   His application for a building permit was rejected because a rare type of bug lived in the grass. 

During that same era, in a biology class the students were given a choice – If a rare bug was threatened on the road and a baby, which would you rescue?  They all said, ‘The bug.’  

No. 10.  of the Georgia Guidestones states,   
Be not a cancer on the earth.  Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.


Dear Reader,

This little booklet has taken much research, but every subject is in brief.  At times further research may prove some subjects have more updated information, but to the best of my knowledge, overall, the booklet has the basic facts.  All I ask is that you research each subject yourself and come to your own conclusion: Is it a conspiracy, just a theory or even a hoax?

Everything is taken from books, web research, meetings, and personal interviews, although I may summarise some in my own words. A Bibliography was planned with all documentation, but it was too many pages, so references are at a minimum.  If you search the subject, you will find more than enough.

Where I have taken a negative approach to any subject, it is because my research has led me in that direction.  Your research may lead you in the opposite direction, and I can assure you, there is much on that side as well.  I have no argument with you if your decision is in favour of a subject.  Each one of us must weigh the evidence for ourselves.

THINK for yourself.  Research for yourself.                                                                                                                                                                                                          Margaretha

​​​True or False?

Conspiracies abound.  Many call them ‘conspiracy theories’.   But are they just theories?

On November 10, 2001, after the destruction of the World Trade Centre (WTC) on September 11, 2001 (9-11), President George Bush spoke out strongly against those who were spreading “conspiracy theories”. 

“We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th, malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty.”

But there are questions. 

Probably the biggest, if there can be a biggest for 9-11, is that both towers came down like perfectly-controlled demolitions.  WTC Building 7, some distance away, also came down like a demolition, although it was not hit by a plane.  Larry Silverstein, owner of Building 7, said a short while after 9-11 that the fire authorities had decided to “pull” (implode) Building 7 the afternoon of 9-11.  It could not have been a last-minute decision.  Implosions take months to plan.   

There is nothing wrong with asking questions about the towers, but too many answers seem odd, to say the least. 

With conspiracies surrounding 9-11, it is no wonder the president was concerned.  Many had implications that the government itself was involved, that it was ‘an inside job’. 

An advertisement on a  New York building a few days after 9-11 said, BUSH DID IT. 

In his speech on September 11, George Bush said America had been attacked, and was at war.  Did Islamic terrorists really attack the United States?  Or were the Moslems falsely accused? Did the two governments work together?  After all, Bin Laden was a business friend of the Bush family.

Many believe 9-11 was a huge conspiracy that gave America the excuse to send troops into Afghanistan, not to save America from further attack, but to safeguard its oil interests in that country.

Maybe it was only a theory.  Maybe not!   But if it was a conspiracy, 2996 men and women died needlessly.  We can criticise (or laugh) at those who believe it was a dreadful conspiracy. Or we can search to find out what really happened.

Does it matter?

If you put your head in the sand, you with have no idea what to do when something does happen. It is important not to act like all is well, when it obviously isn’t.  ‘She’ll be right mate’, is not appropriate in this context.

When disasters strike and lives are lost, we should ask questions, not only if our loved ones died, but for others as well.  If the answers don’t make sense, it is in our best interests to look into it further and research until we are satisfied we have the truth.

If the theory proves to be a real conspiracy, we need to share it.

Guides for Living

A six-metre blue granite monument stands on a hill in Elberton Georgia (USA) called the Georgia Guidestones. It was built by a man who called himself Robert C. Christian.  His real identity remained hidden, and the only man who knew, pledged never to reveal it.  

Was there something sinister about the guide stones? Why did the monument’s founder choose to remain anonymous?

Georgia Guidestones - Public domain

A group of men determined to find out. They visited men living in Elberton who had worked on the monument’s construction. They researched the library,

followed leads, and little by little pieced together the identity of its designer and founder.  Instead of being one man, the name was derived from two men, Robert Merryman and Dr Herbert H Kersten.  (Kiersten is the archaic form of the name Christian in Dutch)  Thus the mystery man was Robert from Mr Merryman, and Christian from Dr Kersten.  

But why did these men build the Georgia Guidestones?  

Was there a secret message?  

On one of the stones is a list of ten guides for humanity. The first reads: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.   

What does this mean? 

Does it tell us that earth’s population should only be 500,000,000?  What about the other seven billion people?  Surely this is just a symbol of some kind? No one would want to reduce the current population, would they?  They might want to curb its growth, but kill off the rest?  Perhaps it is symbolic of a small group remaining after a huge disaster, after all, it says ‘maintain humanity’, as if the population was already at that number.

Robert C. Christian produced a book entitled ‘Common Sense Renewed’.  It has much good reasoning, but his aim was for a new order.   He called for a World Congress of Human Reason, which “can provide leadership  in  reshaping  basic  human  attitudes.  Its recommendations must reflect the collective Common Sense of humanity…”   p74.

When a new generation of leadership is ready and operating, he said “this will constitute the final revolution in world thought which will establish an Age of Reason.”  p81.  Mr Christian quoted Thomas Paine a number of times.  In 1776, Paine wrote anonymously a pamphlet called ‘Common Sense’.  In 1794, he wrote ‘The Age of Reason’.  It is obvious Christian had a high regard for Thomas Paine.  Mr. Christian believed the population should be reduced by eugenics (which is racism), sterilization and abortion.

In the late 1700s, philosophers of the Enlightenment, as the French Revolution was called, also known as the Age of Reason, believed that “rational thought could lead to human improvement and was the most legitimate mode of thinking. They saw the ability to reason as the most significant and valuable human capacity.   Reason could help humans break free from ignorance and irrationality… and have an equalizing effect on humanity, because everyone’s thoughts and behaviour would be guided by reason.”   

In France, the Age of Reason put thousands of men and women to death under the blade of the guillotine. The government had reasoned that certain men and women who they believed were against the revolution must die in a horrible Reign of Terror.  Many died from torture, sickness, or prison, but eventually the government reasoned that the guillotine was much quicker and more humane. 

In his book ‘Common Sense Renewed’, Mr. Christian said, “On the world scene, humanity must accept that level of international control as will achieve these limited  goals.  Basic  international  law  must  be  interpreted and applied through an impartial court system which can act without fear of veto, and with the support of the major nations and their moral, economic, and  military  forces.   In  extreme  cases, decisions of the world court must be enforced by collective military action. Only in this way can world peace be assured.”  p72.

International control and a world court?  Military action for nations that refuse to comply?   It sounds ominous.

In 1990, four years after Mr Christian’s book was published, President George Bush Snr stated, “Out of these troubled times, our… objective – a New World Order – can emerge… Today, that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we have known…” 

The following year he said the New World Order would be  “where the rule of law… governs the conduct of nations”, and “in which a credible United Nations, can use its peace-keeping  role to  fulfil the promise and vision of the UN’s founders.” 

Many other world leaders have mentioned a new order for the world.  In his book, ‘Keys of this Blood’, Malachi Martin, advisor to four popes  stated,  “Willing or not,  ready or not,  we are all involved in an all-out, no-holds-barred, three-way global competition.   Most of us are not competitors, however.  We are the stakes….

“No holds barred because, once the competition has been decided, the world and all that’s in it – our way of life  as  individuals  and  as  citizens of the nations; our families and our jobs; our trade and commerce and money; our educational systems and our religions and our cultures; even the badges of our national identity, which most of us have always taken for granted – all will have been powerfully and radically altered forever.    

No one can be exempted from its effects.  No sector of our lives will remain untouched.”  Keys of this Blood p16.17.

Martin speaks of a three-way competition, which at the time of writing had three contenders – Papal Rome, the United States and Russia, but with Russia out of the way, the race was between the Vatican and America.  In reality these two powers are working together.  And Russia really isn’t out of the way.

The above author concluded his second chapter with the words, “And if, finally, as often happens with the greatest of the world’s events, the real confrontation John Paul said was already taking place had escaped public notice, then time and great events would make everything clear even to those most unwilling to acknowledge it.”  Ibid p75.  

The United Nations is host to the gathering of world leaders in what was originally called Earth Summit, but has been changed to Agenda 21. Is this the World Congress of Human Reason suggested by Robert Christian?   The 17-acre plot of land on which the UN building stands was donated by John D. Rockefeller.

In 2015, Agenda 21 produced a Declaration of 17 goals and 169 targets “to transform our world” by 2030.   It is now Agenda 2030.  Agenda 21 was focused primarily on the environment. Agenda 2030 is the foundation for governing the entire planet, a global society that is, in their own words, ‘Transforming our world’.

Most of the goals of Agenda 2030 are worthy, such as No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Reduced Inequalities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.    

The Agenda concludes  with No.91.  “We  reaffirm  our unwavering commitment to achieving this Agenda and utilizing it to the full to transform our world for the better by 2030.” 

Will our world be transformed for the better, or will it be overruled by Big Brother?

Our planet certainly needs global cleansing.  Pollution is a big problem.  The cities are becoming more and more polluted. Blue sky is rarely seen in some countries, especially China, and on bad days, people must wear masks. 

The oceans are also polluted.  Fish are dying.  In fact, the seas themselves are dying; some are already dead. Rubbish is increasing in the oceans, especially plastic bags and other non-degradable items.

We need to look at our lands too, as desertification is taking place rapidly through extended droughts.  

Forests are being stripped and animals are losing their natural habitats.  Birds are dying. Bees are dying.

If the United Nations can achieve a transformation that rectifies all these problems, we would all say a hearty ‘Amen’.   

Are they conspiracies?

Or are they all conspiracy theories?